13:00 - a woman dancing alone in her studio. it starts off very slow and becomes somewhat hypnotic. as the music speeds up, so does the dance, the length of the shots, which ultimately leaves you slightly dizzy and feeling off centered. It begins to slow down again, along with everything else, and the shades of the black and white film begin to change.
Ranciere 2018-11-24
绝了 对repetitive的流畅和节奏 texture的质感 动机 生命力 细节无限的放大又回旋 总想到螺旋式的形状 莫名文学化的影像 太优美 无穷尽的变奏 值得揣摩 最近应该多看看好的短片和trailer学习 从小入手 高级的表达 无数细节和思考
qw0aszx 2016-04-10
剪辑、节奏和运动的完美契合,产生无穷魔力 ★★★★☆
Кинo 2022-04-27
Italo Hyacinth 2017-09-12
逐渐有生命力的摄影 太厉害了 一个13分钟的视*大概抵过一本剪辑加摄影书
chang 2020-01-10
什么叫优美的剪辑;Bettie de Jong跳的真好,梅耶荷德说啥来着。
全职灭菌乳 2020-08-28