Although Butoh is often viewed as Japan's equivalent of modern dance, in actuality it has little to do with the rational principles of modernism. Butoh is a theater of improvisation which places the personal experiences of the dancer on center-stage. The dancer is used as a medium to his or her inner life, but not for the portrayal of day to day existence. A Dionysian dance of ...
fro🌈t 2017-07-25
有未始有始也者 2015-02-06
釘 2018-04-03
bnt 2020-06-12
The most beautiful thing need not to be understood.
kookyobject 2024-01-03
“I would jump into the vortex and be seized by the root of willow tree. The adults would search for me, yelling, ‘What happened? Is he dead?’ I will be rescued, and there and then born again. It was no longer enough to be born only from the womb. I was born many times over.”
山大 2019-04-18
yall should read their manifesto.
廿一世纪梨 2024-10-23