不愧是年度巨献,动物地貌好看好丰富,音乐大气磅礴,98岁的老爵爷更是品质保证!最后一集竟然还有点儿epic感!”There is a long way to go and they may not succeed, but if this region, home to almost 60% of the people on the planet, can find ways to co-exist with wildlife, then there is surely hope for the rest of the world.” 我们亚洲加油啊👏
lyrill 2024-11-20
**** tigers plz? dafuk. 破站这几年就靠纪录片撑着了. e06: desert, oasis, bear. only in gobi **, mtb mecca of the world circa 2008 5/5
Maverick 2024-11-23
翛然 2024-11-06
在这个ai合成技术飞速发展的**,人类为什么还要耗费大量的人力物力冒着生命危险去拍纪录片?因为地球上还有很多未知的美值得被记录、被更多人看到。人们只会喜爱他们所熟悉的,保护他们所喜爱的。 《亚洲》已上线,老爷子90多岁了依然在做解说,***就有我们聪明可爱又凶残的胖虎(虎鲸),很满足。
平凡人 2024-12-18
第7集:把穿山甲鳞片卖给(中国)富有的买家(电视版把英文字幕的“in China”两个单词静音了)。顺便科普:穿山甲鳞片不能治病,请保护野生动物,不要购买。
风中奇缘 2024-11-06
且待小僧伸伸脚 2024-11-07
良酱 2024-11-13
不愧是年度巨献,动物地貌好看好丰富,音乐大气磅礴,98岁的老爵爷更是品质保证!最后一集竟然还有点儿epic感!”There is a long way to go and they may not succeed, but if this region, home to almost 60% of the people on the planet, can find ways to co-exist with wildlife, then there is surely hope for the rest of the world.” 我们亚洲加油啊👏
lyrill 2024-11-20
**** tigers plz? dafuk. 破站这几年就靠纪录片撑着了. e06: desert, oasis, bear. only in gobi **, mtb mecca of the world circa 2008 5/5
momo 2024-12-07
蓝色多瑙河 2024-12-12
天外飞青 2024-12-20