After a gang of criminals unintentionally unleashes a supernatural force onto the world, a young woman named Frankie is convinced she's being stalked by a yakubd**** killer mannequin. Frankie soon realizes that her friends are in jeopardy too. She must find the man who holds the key to stopping the killings, but Frankie knows that once you see the mannequin, there may be no end in sight, except for your own.
Robber 2023-09-14
浪费时间,这不就山寨哭泣天使么? 有这闲工夫去看神秘博士多好
🍄 2023-10-11
Broderick Wong 2024-03-20
作动画的 2023-10-09
阿饼 2024-02-09
電影製作人 2023-11-11
℡旁观者⊙﹏⊙ 2023-09-27
Monie719 2023-10-12
好辣鸡 主角太自私了 结局不负责任 就这样扔掉?最后的最后 想来主角还是会死掉的 无力吐槽 家里死人了警察也不管 对 没人报警?**怎么处理的?真牛啊 主角一点事没有 这部剧里警察就是吃干饭的设定 毕竟超自然对吧 其实吧 这个设定有点像那个基金会173,注视才不会移动
stillwater 2023-09-10
After a gang of criminals unintentionally unleashes a supernatural force onto the world, a young woman named Frankie is convinced she's being stalked by a yakubd**** killer mannequin. Frankie soon realizes that her friends are in jeopardy too. She must find the man who holds the key to stopping the killings, but Frankie knows that once you see the mannequin, there may be no end in sight, except for your own.