Albertine is the most controversial character of Recherche du temps perdu, the most mentioned yet the one we know the least about: we do not know where she comes from, what she does for a living, where she ends up… and even when she dies, we wonder if she ever existed at all. Several critics saw in Albertine Proust’s driver Alfred Agostinelli, a young Italian with whom Proust h...
胤祥 2022-10-22
三疊紀 2022-12-20
#MCIB2022# 最佳短片获奖得主 场景很美,配上少女的孤独和温柔的配樂加分很多,少女無處安放的青春魅力,神秘中帶著青澀。青春應該像是自由的微風,而不是囿于没有未来的个体身上
Q影誌 2022-09-19
#***影评人周短片 3.5 《追忆似水年华》
CosmoCandy 2022-09-05