Chronicles the bizarre and psychologically complex story of six individuals who were convicted for the 1985 murder of a beloved 68- year-old grandmother, Helen Wilson, in Beatrice, Nebraska.
Eurekaa 2022-07-24
看到最后打嘴皮仗真的累,要我说这六个人自己都没脑子的吗,立场是如此飘忽不定。老警官输在草率断案,不然真的不会有后话。对于受害者家属来说她们只是希望能move on,这种“翻案”结论起码我不会买账。有很多漏洞可以去突破,但好像大家都只顾忌自己那份利益,诶………以前不是这样的🥺看完我终于能明白海报为什么是提线木偶了,背后的寓意我收到了,但麻烦你在压缩一下,5集看完有点累是真的
纠结的茶 2022-07-31
纪录片如话剧一样,重现现实,拨开迷雾。credited to director Nanfu Wang。如此大的纪录片题材转变,承接美国crime doc 的传统和工业,做出一部有分量的作品。
🍄 2022-07-10
生活什么时候能善待爱搞flop圈的人🤠即将饿死 u been emphasizing how not good-looking *** just couldn't **** wondering what happened at that specific time. the kind of you always come back to the word 'me', f evil n bored to hell.