Giulia is constantly torn between the need to feel at home and be loved and a wild desire for *******. One day she finds herself homeless and begins, in her own crazy way, to seek shelter and her own place in the world. Between an illusory desire for motherhood and ways to make ends meet, she spends the hottest days of a torrid Roman summer surrounded by elusive characters with...
鱼目珠 2022-08-03
基瑞尔 2021-09-12
开场的时候女主实在太有几分Sarah Silverman的神韵了…所做的,也像是被英美一众大势女喜剧人都攫取过的“自我寻找”式故事。没有方向,渴望感情,脱掉纠缠,拥抱自由;想要在存在中找**,又想在**之外享受新的可能性。糖水化与离地都是瑕疵,但依然是次真诚的分享。
Tᴇʀʀɪ#33🦈 2022-06-17
在lake garda bardolino电影节有放映,没看完,但是女主真的需要therapy lmao