For 12 years now, Mathieu Amalric has been filming the stupendous New York saxophonist and composer John Zorn. Whirligig films that Zorn likes to programme during his concerts, like a musical set. They are screened here for the first time out of a concert setting. Music in the ******, constellations of energies, an ever-expanding universe of sound… The third part of this long-r...
寒枝雀静 2023-11-12
D+/ 虽然仍然有用电影去含括、**音乐创作的想法,但其实中间部分仍然是传统的音乐创作过程记录。因而徒留纯粹的声音艺术,没能给出更多。
滅质體下墜 2024-06-19
3.5 喜欢最后十五分钟。惊悚,混乱,神圣与日常的相继介入。最后,整备后的能量是足够的
Feanor 2024-03-13
12/3/2024 ciné** l’écran. Mathieu本人非常nice平易近人。一个人一台相机拍摄,因为一首曲子排练多遍可以从多个角度拍,从而有种正反打的连续感。cadrer和剪辑都很有灵感。这种一人声一钢琴的曲子在《**》和拉威尔那里也听过/大家都很享受创作的乐趣