With striking images and meticulous sound work, Burial reminds us of the paradoxical relationship between scientific development and the destruction of nature. Questioning the effects of human activity on the planet we inhabit and which we have put at risk, the film focuses on the unsolved issues of nuclear plants and nuclear activity.
熊仔俠 2023-02-08
这部纪录片糅合了切尔诺贝利的“孪生姊妹”核电厂的解体、3D建模 & CGI、导演的私人素材、自然风光、核试验、啄木鸟***、地下核废料贮存点等诸多意象,共同呈现出奇特但带有隐忧的壮观感。片头那些闪着寒光的含*玻璃器皿也是够诡异的。
Mr. Lei 2022-04-18
vdr收官啦,这片含蛇量未免也太高了,出现了好多次,那个*蛇在*作台上爬行的镜头有够麻人(总之还是IDFA 的片最好)
Pincent 2022-05-09
78/100 #VisionsduRéel2022#37 #HotDocs2022#