On her way home the newly wed Romita is molested by five men. The only one who has the courage to **** is the young female teacher Jhinuk. Because of that she becomes a ******* and is on all papers' front ****. But the **** is turning: As not only the police but also neighbours begin to ask embarrassing questions the two women are eventually intimidated and the five man are get...
ux backpacker 2021-10-11
昨天新認識一個印度導演Rituparno Gosch,拍90年代的加爾各答中產階級的生活和街景,不知為何覺得喚起楊德昌的台北印象,覺得很親近。 劇照出自Dahan,故事其實和最近中國阿里**有奇妙的呼應⋯⋯中產女主和先生出門逛街遇到地痞騷擾,兩人差點出事,結果女老師出手相救上報,沒想到一進法院程序,騷擾的人走門路被判無罪,法庭審理反而像是侮辱這兩個女主。兩個女主輸掉官司之後,各自遇到先生與未婚夫家的面子與形象問題,看到印度社會的黑暗面然後只能自求出路⋯⋯印度電影在香港回歸那年就已經走到這麼前沿了呀,Rituparno真是走太早了。