《自掘坟墓》又名A Hole of My Own Making。
Amidst endless construction and aircraft noise, a family whose father died slowly disintegrates. While daughter Tamiko struggles with her stepmother Nobuko's attempts to marry her off to careless physician Ihura, her bed-ridden brother Junjirō grieves for his ex-wife Keiko who left him for another man. Although Ihura is **** interested in Nobuko, he has a short-lived affair wit...
Virgil 2021-08-01
20211202日亚上线,画质稍微好了些 | 这种披家庭剧外衣吐槽战后美日关系批评日本社会现实的剧核心受众到底是什么样的人……想不通。**就和海报上显示的一样,演了个嘴里没一句真话的老海王。画质太糟糕了,看着累
Xeon晚生 2021-02-05
****** of ** Own ****** / 自分の*の中で 1955 DVD NTSC DD2.0
yueuriecid 2022-03-03
CCC |传统价值的分崩离析,现代生活的个人主义,战后日本社会的离心情状。/ 联想至川岛雄三的电影。
饥饿海峡 2024-11-05