A dark romantic comedy in the age of social *****. Adele is an aggressive, self-conscious 17-year-old girl who spends most of her time "trolling" (i.e insulting) her classmates online. When she is hit on by another internet troll, Uri, they flirt until he urges her to send a picture in which she is actually visible. But instead of sending her own picture, Adele sends Uri a pict...
doofy 2021-01-15
什么是真 什么是假 虽然你的村庄被炸了 可我要不要见网友啊 good luck
AlanX 2021-01-15
#2021 NFMLA Israeli Cinema Film Festival 实在看不惯这样愤世嫉俗而又虚伪的人。理想中的**世界和我们所在的现实其实有着天差之别。