Leo Nikolaevich, Levanka, Levochka, as numerous friends call him, is a successful glamorous Moscow photographer. He is smart and amiable. And he is a totally cynical person capable of being rude with people. He belongs to the world, where talent, success and fame are valued above all. Although unaware of that, he is very immature at the same time. He is still obsessed with chil...
vivi 2014-04-28
2.5 开头就跟“馬耳他十字架 Мальтийский крест (2008)”一样的吸引人,然后又好像有悬念,火车上好像会偶遇,暴风雨之夜好像“127小时”。。。最后好像整个大地只有白雪。。。哎~