Highlighting the biological aspect of albinism, $75,000 focuses on the genetic and hereditary abnormality that affects not only pigmentation but the physical and moral conditions of people living with albinism.
Lycidas 2022-01-29
呆萌喵星人 2022-01-21
#SUNDANCE22 Short 8 / Double Exposure Animation **社区白化病 有质感
Jiamin Hu 嘉敏 2022-01-21
Sundance2022# Short Film Programs Because we are human beings.
Alpacaaaaa 2022-01-21
一开始的气氛有点不安 然后有点诡* 最后的呼噜声 在夜半三更看的时候反而很soothing惹 可能人真的就是习惯于通过或暴力或一些假说什么的方式排开异类 以此保护自身存在的合理性(? "because we are human beings"
狂疯暴雨 2022-01-21