《事物的名称》又名The Name of Things。
Told in a whisper, this quiet and diaristic film explores toxic masculinity through personal narrative, family legacy, and video games. El nombre de las cosas speaks aloud the unspoken and unspeakable, to give a name to traumas in order to heal them. Deeply poetic and disarmingly honest, director Diego Escobar uses his own story to address a widespread problem of inherited male...
刘小黛 2022-02-06
Una无缘早睡 2022-10-19
2022-10-16 Rotterdam Ammodo Tiger Short Film Marathon #12。一整天的乱七八糟实验电影里唯一一个好好说话的,感人。受遮蔽的黑框视角,时时提醒观众作为观看者的身份。叙述者全程耳语音量的念白,温情又疏离地讲创伤回忆。
胤祥 2022-02-02
#IFFR51# Ammodo Tiger Short Competition。加的遮罩是VR眼镜?**:实拍-foundfootage和游戏界面,听觉:耳语式的旁白。游戏界面来自《荒野大镖客:救赎II》和《侠盗猎车手V》
抛开书本 2022-02-09