A painfully frank portrait of 22-year-old Jason as he undergoes trauma therapy. This is the third and final part of Maasja Ooms’ trilogy about the failing Dutch youth welfare services. As in the two previous documentaries Alicia and Rotjochies (Punks), the film is a critical observation from a very personal point of view. Ooms closely follows Jason as he struggles with the psyc...
鐘綠 2021-11-22
太艰难的观影旅程,追随跨性别青少年接受创伤治疗的历程。他的创伤来自家中的暴力和被困的孤独,但是当他应激发作的时候,受到的是暴力与控制,又将创伤重演。「以下建筑照片中有些是**,有些是青少年健康中心,你能分辨吗?」 Jason将接受心理咨询和自我认识成长的过程分享,现在23岁的他正在学习心理学本科,「我看到教科书上写的那些东西…all bullshit」。治疗系统可以最小化权力与暴力吗?「在健康中心的那些被关在房间里的日子,是我对人性的认识的底色。」在做**切除手术前,Jason问,「如果我死在手术台***们会把手术做完吗?」难过。IDFA观众选择奖第二,也是一种希望吧。