A mouse finds herself reciting childhood memories in a sterile living room. Shards of an alienating past paint the portrait of a human life. A sense of loss pervades the atmosphere as she's torn between being human and being mouse, between being alive and being in a simulation.
熊嘴兽✨ 2021-11-21
胤祥 2022-01-30
#IFFR51# Short & Mid-length。读脑电波机……与其说是老鼠不如说是个小女孩的******吧……主观镜头,动画的拟真质感很不错(动画要模仿个手持摄影机的呼吸/晃动也挺费劲吧),临死前最后那段**呈现还挺漂亮。