瓜子资源为您提供Identifications - Fernsehausstellung II,在线点播,迅雷下载。
Identifications is a distinct attempt to reveal artistic concern with television production. In this film, the camera's role varied fro m ****** observation to active interaction, and in many instances a means to investigate the established television frame. This final Fernsehgalerie production exhibited what Schum asserted as the new mode of art experience: "(...) We no longer...
OreoEmpanada 2014-06-13
继『Land Art』后的第二部“电视画廊”,6国20位艺术家,真正的杰作。对电视作为媒介物的特性,以及艺术家对于作品参与方式的探索。
乔治洗衣机 2018-05-26
Filmfassung für Gerry Schums Fernsehausstellung Identifications // +*In the Bush (1972) by Gilbert & George 16min13sec @Stedelijk M Amsterdam