《如果呢?埃胡德·巴拉克论战争与和平》又名Ma Haya Kore Elu? Ehud Barak al Milchama VeShalom、What If? Ehud Barak on War and Peace。
Can a leader succeed in influencing the world? Or is he, as any other human being, only a nutshell tossed to the waves of history with no ability to affect it? Tolstoy pondered this question in War and Peace. Ehud Barak, controversial former prime minister and a decorated commander on the battlefield, contemplates it in this film. Twenty years after he was forced to resign from...
De Ajacied 2021-01-07
「JerusalemFF2020」一直覺得Barak是個存在感不太強的PM,可能是年代比較久,我還沒記憶,印象中第一個PM就已經是Sharon了⋯ 對他唯一的了解就是撤軍黎巴嫩和都offer了半個耶路撒冷給Arafat了還是被拒以及後續的1st intifada。 第一次了解了他原來經歷了那麼多,基本建國以來全套大**都經歷了。然後發現也挺喜歡他的personality的,說話也非常有意思,片子最後還引用了「浮士德」結尾。決定也去讀一下他自己寫的自傳。