《浮士德》又名Faust、Gounod: Faust and Margaret。
Charles Gounod from Paris Marguerite ", inspired by Goethe's famous literary masterpiece, became a real sensation at its premiere on March 19, 1859 in Paris. Of Goethe's librettists, Jules Barbier and Michel Carré, used essentially a plot skeleton and several lyrics, but Gounod's musical conception of the theme was completely new, vital. He alternates the tenderness of love lyr...
《浮士德》中,****·索科洛夫用他贯来诗意的手法将其对灵魂的思考传达出来。就算不了解故事背景和不能理解索科洛夫的深刻哲学理念的***会被影片大胆的想象力和大胆的色彩所震撼。只不过,****·索科洛夫个人色彩强烈的电影风格,用飘忽的时间空间感架构起的独特影像和深邃的哲学思考,让演员的表演完全不能成为影片的焦点 。