A dynamic and full of punk energy story based on life of one of the most original and interesting contemporary artist, the performer, Oskar Dawicki (playing himself). The main theme of his art is the search for an answer to the question of whether. Oskar Dawicki exists at all. The trade mark of his performances is his blue shining jacket. Written by Anonymous
Algiersea 2021-10-28
零二 2020-04-25
挺有意思,虛構加紀錄片的手法,以影片作為一個展覽空間,藝術家也虛構了一個真實的自己來延續他以往對存在,真實的探索,既表露真實的情緒,也側寫當代藝術圈的盲點。片中有大量他老師Zbigniew Warpechowski的作品,可見兩人關係在他的創作影響之大。估計配合展覽來看療效更佳。