“Chasing the Moon,” a film by Robert Stone, reimagines the race to the moon for a new generation, upending much of the conventional mythology surrounding the effort. The series recasts the ***** Age as a fascinating stew of scientific innovation, political calculation, ***** spectacle, visionary impulses and personal drama. Utilizing a visual feast of previously overlooked and ...
高大华Austin 2021-05-09
紀錄片對馮·布勞恩的刻畫太深刻,他才是登月計劃的靈魂人物,這部紀錄片連續看了三遍,拍得實在太好了!(備註:這部紀錄片兩年前在TVB Pearl無意中看到的,後面在B站上找到完整的轉載。)
phoenix 2024-08-01