This seminal film tells the story of two women with opposing political views fighting for their different versions of a democratic future for Tunisia, the country that sparked the Arab Spring. Over the course of Tunisia's critical post-revolution years, we follow journalist Emna Ben Jemaa, who envisions a country governed by free speech and without the corruption of the former ...
一笑懸命 2020-05-17
No country is ready for democracy but revolution will force it to be. ***之春后政党林立却撕裂了社会。世俗派与***信奉者之间的信仰体系难以兼容。讽刺的是,纪录片中的两位女性,崇尚自由的**记者不得不为了丈夫的政治前景在家带孩子;而温和的***教复兴党议员在丈夫带娃的支持下义无反顾为国家立宪。如果说现代政治的有效方式是**社会不同族群,宗***系,权衡整体社会利益作出系统性的决策,那么***之春无疑是不成熟的。