Lara Croft, the virtual girl-doll of the late 20th century, is recast as a triad of her personas: the alien, the orphan, and the clone in this work based on appropriated footage from the **** Tomb Raider.
DustyDopamine 2021-09-22
Aislinn 2024-07-27
比所罗门早,但整体不如后者 (蒙太奇不错
Olive 2020-07-02
Peggy made this in 2001!!!! real feminist and avant-garde experiential video
太公望 2019-04-05
有个电影学界在讨论digitality和cinema或者**** video时常用的词就是machinima. role playing, identity issue, re-(re)presentation of women, isolated *****.总之,这种东西太**太有力
**ΙkοΙm 2024-06-04
Eat Oranges 2018-01-24
Ahwesh transforms the video **** into a reflection on identity and mortality.Trading the rules of gaming for art ******, she brings Tomb Raider's cinematic aesthetics to the foreground,and shirks the pre-programmed "mission" of its *******, Lara Croft.
沈宴的小** 2019-09-17
说实话没看懂 我们教授说好看那就好看吧 是有些好笑
独行侠**阿何 2024-03-04
字母君 2023-08-17
嘴替: https://letterboxd****/babylom/film/she-puppet/