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《Le marchand de sable》又名The Sandman。
The story (which was read out at the Premiers Plans Festival in Angers) is set in 2011. Scarred by so many years spent in prison, Djo is now a delivery driver in the town of Cergy. As the crisis erupts in Ivory Coast, he finds himself having to secretly take in some of his family members. The prospect of providing a better life for his daughter gradually causes him to get caugh...
Yeouina 2023-03-01
上映了啊!UGC cité Les Halles看的,电影院出来,就看到地铁站满地的流浪汉……有点魔幻现实主义。烟雾里找孩子时大咳到呕吐,配乐管风琴,两种音效因为不搭反而非常搭!坏人冲进去救孩子,出来倒地没人理,只有一个同伙非常着急来救他……孩子妈求别人冒着生命危险去救自己的娃,之前求住宿也是一脸的自尊和理所当然,3娃变成2以后还是一脸自尊继续领救济……前妻的找虐倾向也是……非常好,人性的幽微细腻复杂,只觉得五味杂陈,一言难尽。