Since the death of Jesus, Mary Magdalene has withdrawn from the world. Her hair has turned white, she eats berries, drinks rain water and sleeps among the trees. Alone in the heart of the forest, she remembers her lost love. She looks for a way to find him. —— Under the rain, in the wind or in the mist, through forests and caves, little by little, one shot after the other, a de...
呆萌喵星人 2022-05-21
#MarcheduFilmOnline22 神秘迷人,充满探索
胤祥 2022-05-21
#2022 Marché du Film Online# ACID入围。看了一整天各**血抓马家庭剧,猛然看到这么个简直想送五星了。这次也算是终于吃下Damien Manivel了,想当年在***还怒打一星来着哈哈哈,克莱蒙费朗也看过他的短片。慢电影方法来拍宗教题材真的就对太路了,对自然微小细节的凝视关注和对宗教故事的解构(抹大拉的玛利亚也可以是个老年黑人女性,对耶稣不仅是信仰也是爱,结构在回忆里)。**画意摄影美极了,不过我觉得可能现场看会睡死,不,大概率不会去看……
阿苍的天空 2022-08-07
14H15 07/08/2022 à l’UTOPIA BDX
Pincent 2022-06-17
75/100 她的目光、身体、动作,有一些如同Vitalina Varela一般的时间性。
Valuska 2022-05-23
#Cannes22 NO.30 7.5/10 Visual storytelling. Powerful empty shots, close-ups and long takes.
Q影誌 2022-06-21
#戛纳市场 虽然在同类中算不错,但是不想看第二遍
阿飞 2023-08-24
#AtlàntidaMallorcaFF2023#Cannes75 2.5/5
废话队长 2022-05-22