《留下来的我们》又名Dos veces tú、Two Times You、The Cohens、Tania & Daniela。
Tania and Daniela are two cousins who have maintained a close and intimate relationship throughout their lives. Both married, the cousins confess that they live in a strange situation, their husbands are good and kind to them, they enjoy a good social and economic position, but they have fallen into a routine and monotony, appearing apathetic and bored in their days. During a w...
外人 2021-05-01
完全被低估的一部電影。雖然「交換伴侶」對一般觀眾而言,已經不是新鮮的體驗;不過我認為這個議題只是導演包裹另一個議題的方式。作為一部墨西哥電影,製作端的成熟,兩位女性的青春無敵,幾乎掩蓋了這部電影可能產生的缺漏,但也有可能成為電影的敗筆。Fleet Foxes、John Misty Father音樂出現的調配,無論是攝影、deco,乃至*裝都很講究;帶著David Lynch作品的氣氛,卻不拘泥於一般奇幻、驚悚片的呈現手法,所以我說他被低估了。