In 1994, a closeted **** struggles to part ways with his 4 high school drama friends at their final murder mystery ***** before they leave for college.
Pretentious and self-absorbed. Too much theatrical ambition to make scarcely any sense. Life is NO playacting!
2niu 2021-09-17
对气泡里长大的美国***小孩包括***小孩的挣扎和抓马共鸣无能。看在卖力真诚的几个小演员的份上勉强给三星。说实话有资源去拍这种电影的话还不如去拍Another *** Movie
ZANE 2022-08-22
Queer film festival. Aug 21, 2022. Vancouver.
Yue🦄 2021-01-03
To truly understand this film, you need to know the religious background and the struggle those closeted teens face because of it. One of the best indie LGBTQ I’ve seen in a long time! Genuine and relatable. Much love!
同志亦凡人中文站 2020-08-30
Pretentious and self-absorbed. Too much theatrical ambition to make scarcely any sense. Life is NO playacting!
2niu 2021-09-17
对气泡里长大的美国***小孩包括***小孩的挣扎和抓马共鸣无能。看在卖力真诚的几个小演员的份上勉强给三星。说实话有资源去拍这种电影的话还不如去拍Another *** Movie
ZANE 2022-08-22
Queer film festival. Aug 21, 2022. Vancouver.
Yue🦄 2021-01-03
To truly understand this film, you need to know the religious background and the struggle those closeted teens face because of it. One of the best indie LGBTQ I’ve seen in a long time! Genuine and relatable. Much love!
春卷 2024-01-13
生肉用机翻看了好多遍才看懂剧情。 这部片拍出了高中里小团体毕业散伙时的情景,同学之间貌合神离(信仰不同),攀比着自己考上的学校(男主留在了老家),吐槽班上某个上不了大学的同学(jd),撕破脸互揭老底(男主男二)。
Volvere 2021-10-23
男主最dramatic;Oscar和Ally其实看起来完全不像nerds (fart那一段真的有被**地笑到)
ε٩(๑> ₃ <)۶ * 2022-06-25
几年前看的,还是评价一下,男主长得像一个同学…好帅好帅,才发现另一个actor演过love victor还演过美恐…好喜欢他们的衣*搭配啊啊啊😍😍😍 不弄个****太可惜了😏🙃🤪