In this hilarious one hour comedy special, Kanan Gill squints at a variety of subjects. Whether it's figuring out how to talk to his parents, dealing with love, mosquitoes, masculinity or The Constitution of India, nothing is too serious or too silly to talk about. From his critically acclaimed set to his glorious sweat patches, Kanan keeps it real.
peaceorlove 2018-03-09
水包酱 2020-09-08
跟他今年做的单口比 这场之前的就显得没那么成熟 也有一些比如和父母打电话 cow 打劫等等比较好笑的段子 但主要还是靠个人舞台魅力在撑 (最后encore太水说实话不如不讲)
大卫捡起四颗豆 2024-03-26
借标一下2023 is this it吧。两个小时的存在主义危机,give up dreams, death is coming, let’s *****, but how? 从一开始我就不相信他能给我一个确切**,题开的那么大,不是一罐草莓冰激凌就能解决的。We all just sit somewhere, watch something, **** true.