Bressane's first color film, shot in the home of the artist Elyseu Visconti. Part of it is missing sound and final editing because the director was forced to leave Brazil. Horror and humor to deal with the subject of insanity: "In the end everyone leaves the house as though they were laboratory mice escaping, they invade the **** and contaminate the world". "If we talk about ho...
1 2011-10-29
把我笑了,镜头内没有任何磁性,一部糟的和一部好的边缘电影已经很难分了。Júlio Bressane已经有好几部给我一种浑水摸鱼的坏感觉了,他这一部中几乎对电影内的任何元素都没有控制了,只是在执行一个已经想好的概念。整个**边缘电影运动这个问题都是值得反思的,究竟它们需不需要一个质量衡量的标准
戈尔贡佐拉 2022-04-19
美丽又*气的helena ignez女士 墓地 向日* 疯了的** qj新娘**的男人 FIM