For the first time, doctors and nurses who cared for Britain's first **** patients in the 1980s tell their stories. They describe a dark time when, with little treatment on offer, their role was to **** these young men deal with early, painful and often undignified deaths. The extraordinary situation saw the medics bend and break the rules to provide some comfort and fun for th...
Kid-King 2021-12-27
8/10∈Boys On Film 18 Heroes|生肉纪录片太难啃。**涌现下一些关于生命悲欢离合的往事。
hayden 2018-10-07
完全 2020-03-09
8, 亲历者的讲述。 frighten,real,death,emotional,bond。 年纪轻轻就要面对死亡,没有治愈的药物,看不到希望,为争取医疗而奋斗。 没有他们的行动,就没有今天。 铭记过去,这便是历史的意义。
somnoliento 2019-01-09
“terrible、tough、pain ”几十年过去了,这些医生和**们回想起曾经那些鲜活的生命,还是会哽咽…