Nob leads a happy life in a small town with his wife and young son. But when his son dies and his wife leaves him, he is unable to cope. Even others in the village turn their backs on him. He becomes lonely and feels completely dejected. He plunges deeper and deeper into a downward spiral from which it seems he may not escape. That is, until a glimmer of hope appears in the for...
布谷卟咕 2021-02-06
缺点是不友好的长镜头,单调的调度,剪辑平平,让影片很沉闷,其实通过配乐和剪辑是可以做到适合消费的。我看的第一部僧侣为主角(西游记不算hh)的电影,故事讲述了一个酒鬼皈依佛门,从这个小僧侣不知道自己修行意义何在,发展到慢慢学习打坐和诵经。时不时他会看看以前三人**的照片,去孩子的墓说说话。不过这部影片里这种切肤之痛实在是很难共情。让我想那其他长片 缓慢的片 是怎么吸引人/让人觉得充盈的呢?也许是剧本,荧幕形象,节奏的明快。