《秋天的珀波》又名Poppety in the Fall。
In this animated short, a terrible curse deprives Balthasar's kingdom of its stories. Taking the unicorn's horn back into The Belly of the Earth is the solution. Poppety will lead an expedition, by chance uncovering a hitherto closely guarded family secret. Poppety in the Fall concludes the thrilling animated series of 4 seasons in the life of Léon, the adopted bear cub.
阿飞 2020-06-08
#WeAreOne#56 Annecy Leon’s **** Seasonsshorts program 秋。
kinder23 2020-06-10
Anasa 2020-06-07
千寻 2020-06-11
可可**的画风 故事都很套路 然而这集有点儿像潜行者??
de huma 2020-06-07
揭开Leon身世之谜还有可可**的love story
Pincent 2020-06-11
7。#WeAreOne no.80 from ANNECY 秋 这部不错
宜蘭七仔烤鮭魚 2020-09-07
L'Hiver de Léon/四部曲合标。熊孩Leon, 公主Molly, storyteller和刺猬Poppety与Melody串起的叙事。画风可爱,欧陆的童话故事但春夏节日时分有爱尔兰风笛的音乐 p.s. Leon有点像那个meme lol. 贵瓣没有条目同时不允许新增太辣鸡了🙂️ #WeAreOne# @2020-06-07 23:07:20