The Nest Collective is a multidisciplinary arts collective from Nairobi that has been creating works in film, music, fashion and visual art since 2012. As part of the IFFR 2018 ***-African Cinema Today (PACT) programme, we showed the wide range of their film and video works. We invited them to make new work for IFFR 2020. Tapi! is a short documentary that explores a formative m...
超人叔叔 2020-06-06
#WeAreOne2020 设计师到乐队到导演 刻意的痕迹还是明显
Anasa 2020-06-03
阿飞 2020-06-07
#WeAreOne#42 IFFR OnlinePremiere 文化在消逝,仪式在侵蚀,信仰在缺失,还有什么能留下来?
土肥圆一郎 2020-06-10
[2020_Film_53] 都说了,这个仪式像***。美是美的(只是讲这个仪式)。要讲的问题是个大问题,但是片子一点不好看。
Pincent 2020-06-03
#WeAreOne no.49 from Rotterdam