An investigation into the government response to the coronavirus outbreak, COVID-19, and how the outbreak impacts poor children in the Midwest. (Season 38, Episode 17 of the PBS series Frontline.)
书生拍案 2020-05-14
maybe,it's the ******,not only the president.
吸吸欧气 2020-05-15
没有the post那篇问题追踪的详细
贾不假 2020-05-18
lvwei1123 2022-05-30
kokoro 2020-07-23
西红柿汤面 2020-05-10
very tough to watch it though almost five months passed, when hearing “we’re gonna solve the problems” out of civilians who came up put healthcare “friends’” safety first and manufactured up to 2 millions of face masks within days, hope is growing out of ** heart.
豆友2549479 2020-10-11
Frontline: Coronavirus Pandemic (A Tale of Two Washingtons)
宜蘭七仔烤鮭魚 2020-09-07
良心PBS @2020-05-06 00:49:40 @2020-05-21 12:10:53