《沙漠之珠》又名Maru ro moti、声于沙漠。
Twelve-year-old Moti lives in the dusty Indian countryside—arid plains where goats and camels roam, and the land is still cultivated by hand. As a member of the Manganiar caste, he has grown up with music. Singing is part of his life, a way to tell stories and pass on traditions. Moti has considerable talent and attends a music school to get even better. It’s customary for his ...
keikox 2020-12-20
全篇更专注于音乐的美感。曼加尼亚人is popular因为他们是四福神哈哈哈,所以喜事设宴就要请来他们唱歌。结婚唱歌,生仔唱歌,收获作物也要唱歌。 前面还挺好睡的,后面有些剧情感所以还行。分享嘉宾是人类学博士来着。他觉得这可能是要做一个曼加尼亚人的作品,所以结构上没有进一步揭开曼加尼亚人社会的那块,包括高级种姓是信印度教,以及又有和***融合。以及画面的一静一动、动静结合,没有配乐但却巧妙融合了虫鸣鸟叫。The pearl of desert,是挺美好的,哈哈哈哈。