In the late 1970s the UK's Anglia Television ran a weekly science series, Science Report. The final episode of the series was allegedly due to have been broadcast on April 1, and as the series was not to be recommissioned, the production team may have decided to produce a spoof edition for April Fool's Day, which was written by Chris Miles and David Ambrose but retained the ser...
paradiso 2021-10-31
也是小中千昭推荐的早期*真伪纪录片。其实是英国民营台一档科学专题栏目一本正经搞了个愚人节特番作为收官集,调查谜样的多人失踪用许多新闻素材剪出一个美苏为应对全球变暖(这部分依然是科教节目)秘密设计出第三方案which是个很常见的阴谋论**,胜在形式特正经,因为太尊重科教形式了娱乐性不如后来90年前后***那个闹鬼直播特番orz 亮点是一盘一开始花屏的录像带,获得**芯片后解读出来了,就整个节目设计都颇超前。brian eno配乐。ulozto有生肉