Ghashiram Kotwal, a stylized film version of Vijay Tendulkar's radical Marathi play chronicling the Peshwa regime in western India. The Peshwa empire, based in Pune, was the only one of its extent in India under Brahmin rule. The film made in 1976 in a sensitive political situation when a state of emergency was declared in India, describes the intrigues of a **** of political p...
只抓住6个 2021-01-28
印度电影中少见的类型,四位年轻导演合拍(其中有“印度布列松”Mani Kaul),明显受西方影响的抽象风格,以红顶白袍人物串联表演,批判表现近代印度**上的殖民者与劳工
Romi 2014-12-17
u2b有段1972的剧 Yukt小组作品 年度最佳