Cindy Shank, mother of three, is serving a 15-year sentence in federal prison for her tangential involvement with a Michigan drug ring years earlier. This intimate portrait of mandatory minimum drug sentencing's devastating consequences, captured by Cindy's brother, follows her and her family over the course of ten years.
王好吃 2022-04-01
因为是家庭内的叙事 那些拍摄过程中的技术问题都变得非常有价值(且似乎是必须要存在的) 太过冷静的声画会造成一定的共情距离 (最后的assist Cam都没办法和导演本人拍的素材媲美,就是手法和距离不对。用沉默先进下一轮采访音*还蛮创新的
? 2018-01-29
即使是political right的纪录片,导演也是真的在相信、克*、争取;让人感动