Expelled from school, Alonso flees to Paris to meet his brother Pablo, who has cut all ties with his family and lives carelessly with his girlfriend Valeria. The sudden appearance of Alonso stirs Pablo's life exposing the brothers distant relationship and the lies in which he has built his new persona.
水包酱 2020-09-17
摄影的确配得上这个片名,把夜色下昏黄的巴黎街头和冬日晨露中的**郊外都拍得好美好美。剧情走向虽说也不能说没有铺垫但还是比较意料之外,只能说人生起点高的孩子真的自带很大的容错空间和很多重新开始的机会吧 (French suits Darío well,可惜没有多讲几句)