In 1934, Bolivia is at war with Paraguay. Liborio and Ticona and other Bolivian indigenous soldiers are lost in the hell of the Chaco, under the commandment of German Captain Kundt. They're looking for the Paraguayan enemy that they haven't seen for months, and that they will never find. They leave together in a search that will make them realize, progressively, the destiny the...
胤祥 2020-01-30
#49th IFFR# Bright Future Competition+世界首映。又是南美丛林故事,玻利维亚土著士兵小队在偏执的德国指挥官带领下逐渐走向绝境,拍得比较心理化,从这个角度写战争也不算少见。情节弱了些,尤其是有开幕片[Mosquitos]在,这个片子的问题就显得比较大了……
[Deleted] 2021-04-13
Ada的B计划 2020-01-22
IFFR BRIGHT FUTURE. 题材相异,但整体叙述语气与编剧Cesar Diaz去年的金摄影机是高度相似的:一种稍显迟钝的自然主义。