《守望先锋宣传片》又名Overwatch Cinematic Trailer。
The Overwatch Cinematic Trailer is an animated short shown at Blizzcon 2014. It was the first piece of Overwatch ***** released to the public. In a time of global crisis, an international task force of heroes banded together to restore peace to a war-torn world. This organization, known as Overwatch, ended the crisis and helped maintain peace for a generation, inspiring an era ...
呈谦尚腕 2018-09-18
东林君 2023-04-24
Ah what a year and I didn’t play the **** in a web bar until 2016 when ** sister gave me 2/300 to buy it. Many things are different now
爱的镇魂歌 2018-09-24
Panda的影音 2020-07-23
小肥由的记录本 2022-07-14
vvizzy 2021-09-24
此生无悔入守望。 “这个世界需要更多的英雄。”
念朝夕 2020-09-29