Celebrate the milestone anniversary of the beloved sitcom, coming to the big screen for the first time ever, with a special twelve episode, 3 night *****! This is a show about love and *** and careers and a time in life when everything is possible...about the search for commitment and security...and the fear of commitment and security. Most of all, it's about friendship for whe...
没有感情的我 2019-09-29
宣文张泽 2020-03-13
S01E01、S01E07、S01E23、S02E7。 S02E14、S03E02、S03E16、S04E12。 S04E08、S04E24、S05E14、S06E09。
Frequency 2019-09-29
左右群众都能把台词背出来 震惊了
Hi Friday 2019-09-24
ToadCaptain 2019-09-29
Welcome to the real world. It sucks. You are gonna love it!
tinseltown 2019-09-30
Panda的影音 2020-06-09
还以为是部关于《老友记》的纪录长片,原来是上了院线的原剧特辑,豆瓣目前9.1分,IMDb却只有3.1分。—— – Pilot – ReDo, S1E7: The One With The Black Out, S1E23: The One With The Birth, S2E7: The One Where Ross Finds Out, S2E14: The One With The Prom Video, S3E2: The One Where No One’s Ready, S3E16: The One With The Morning After, S4E12: The One With The Embryos, S4E8: The One With Chandler In A Box, S4E24: The One With Ross’s Wedding – Part 2, S4E6: The One Where Everyone Finds Out, S6E9: The One Where Ross Got High.
梦里醉** 2019-10-03
****者 2019-10-30
下落不明 2021-05-27
唉嘿嘿 旁边老美在片头的时候会跟着一起拍手手