《漫长的夜晚》又名暗夜无星至天明(港)、Endless Night。
Working with non-actors and a script sourced from excerpted plays, memoirs, and letters penned by political prisoners, Galician filmmaker Eloy Enciso explores the mood and texture of life in Franco-era Spain in the materialist tradition of Straub-Huillet and Pedro Costa. Taking its title from the expression longa noite de pedra ("long night of stone"), which was coined by the p...
胤祥 2020-02-03
#49th IFFR# Bright Future Main Programme。洛迦诺主竞***德普拉塔→IFFR。“**者流放归来”,佩德罗·科斯塔一路的慢电影(所以很想问导演跟偶像同场竞技什么心情……)。夜景固然处理得不错,金句也不少,但是这种冗长的念课文一样的“对白”让人看得实在是煎熬,我知道有大量相当重要的原始文本但是这个处理方法实在是……
基瑞尔 2021-04-06
P.s I love you 2019-12-10
10/05/2019, Francesca Beale Theatre @ NYFF57. Derived from political and economic crisis and despair. Meaningful discussions and explorations about the tragedies that we seemed to be unable to avoid throughout human history. And war smash all our identities meanwhile. Part II的one take monologue很美。Lyrical fragments, both visual and text.