How love can turn to hate do quickly? People can be not happy even with a large sum of money. Congratulations on Lisa, for she’s being herself the whole time. Machelle will continue to be miserable for she’s chasing a phantom.
Elizabeth 2020-04-17
2020.4.17 “Money and happiness and love are three separate words. They do not come together very soon.” In divorce proceedings, there are no winners except lawyers.
糯米团子是好物 2019-01-05
Divorce lawyers are the only winners.
清沟渠 2020-04-30
叽里咕噜 2020-02-20
How love can turn to hate do quickly? People can be not happy even with a large sum of money. Congratulations on Lisa, for she’s being herself the whole time. Machelle will continue to be miserable for she’s chasing a phantom.
Elizabeth 2020-04-17
2020.4.17 “Money and happiness and love are three separate words. They do not come together very soon.” In divorce proceedings, there are no winners except lawyers.
酥皮 2020-04-19
劝分侠 2019-05-21
道眠 2024-02-18
alimonopoly让我发出了一点爆笑。实在get不到大家都夸奖的Lisa Tchenguiz。另一个当然,整个里面最迷人的是律师们,尤其是Diana Parker讲话和配饰太有智慧感了。
七喜丸子🍢 2020-05-13
Resurge. 2019-07-17
"Money and happiness and love are three separate words. They do not come together very often."
🍎 2020-01-16
"Money and happiness and love are three separate words. They do not come together very often." So ugly so true.