Young, bestselling author Eryn Bellow concludes her bookstore tour with her agent selling film rights and closing a six figure advance for her follow-up. Headwinds arise as critics get offended by the claims that Eryn is being declared a living literary legend.77mi.cc The storm gathers force as the assaults gravitate from bad reviews to a fake-memoir designed to obliterate her ...
ZSBBHQ 2019-11-14
拍摄水平很好莱坞,镜头无聊。 剧情十分的让人confuse,不理解导演或者故事到底想传达一个什么事情。矫揉造作比肤浅来的更令人讨厌
奇迹发生 2020-01-26
** 2019-10-30
1)https://shilfa****/unitedkingdom/father-writes-his-own-heartbreaking-obituary-to-warn-others-about-smoking/ ………… 2)https://***.gvm****.**/article.html?id=55987 …………………… 3)https://***.gvm****.**/article.html?id=60743 甘吝那布炒基掰****,愚蠢到臭菸**放入口,菸草等同**,可笑全球禁毒不禁菸,希冀菸在世界上销声匿迹!!己所不欲,无施于人,自食其果,终将泯灭消亡!(*****)
S04Kumpel 2024-12-03
The Creatress @2019-12-20 00:44:38