This rich essay searches for new ways of being together in the age of social *****. We arrange our lives to impress the gaze of others and h ave become accustomed to being seen. For many young people, however, the ***** is over. Neoliberalism has made murderous competition the norm; and in the meantime, the planet is dying. Following the unmasking of ********’s real motives, mo...
胤祥 2018-02-01
#2018IFFR# Hivos Tiger竞赛。嗯选这部不选[Wij]进竞赛只好理解为鹿特丹选片的宽容或者神经刀特色了呗(啊啊啊去年那部[宝贵时光]多好!)。一部完全不知所云的……**电影,全片最值得看的大概就是海报和鹿特丹官网的剧情简介了吧。
战将波舰金 2018-02-01