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《Les Guerres de Coco Chanel》又名The Wars of Coco Chanel。
Coco Chanel一生經歷無休止的奮戰,幾經努力才成為一代社交淑女、時裝設計師、間諜和特立獨行的女子,並且一直創新,建立自己的傳奇。 War against social order, against conventions, against men, against bankers, against her contemporaries.A war against the entire world. By borrowing from men their money and their style, she lived a relentless battle, a merciless fight to exist on her own and to go down in history. Socialite, fashion designe...
Cherry 桃 2019-11-27
简短的了解了一下coco chanel的一生 居然是***的**之一???做过德国间谍???和丘吉尔关系好???***人生很厉害!
简凊 2020-11-28