《原子能末世启示录》又名Atomic Apocalypse、黑花。
In Post Apocalyptic North America, one family fights for survival in this sci-i road trip of epic proportions in a nightmare world without gasoline, electricity, or humanity. Sheltered mother Kate (Krista DeMille, Best Actress IIFA, SIFF, BSFFF) loses her injured survivalist husband Sam (Ron Roggé, 13 Reasons Why, Stranger Things) and love struck daughter Suzi (Andrea Sweeney B...
乔庄皮皮 2020-02-13
“Female Led Post Apocalyptic Sci-Fi Adventure”,末日世界,同时也是勇敢新世纪的开始,啥?实在摸不着头绪,主创玩心太重。泳目镜反复出现,也许是对前末世**的追忆,对失去的“正常”生活的怀念,用陈以侃讲纳博科夫的话来说:“从日常中抽离每个时刻,把它摩挲成颤动的惊喜。”“用整个灵魂去爱(当下的每一刻),其余的交给命运。”
五斗先生 2020-02-16