《The Scala》又名史卡拉大戲院。
The Scala opened its doors in 1970. It had one thousand seats and every night, they were filled. In those days, going to the movies was something special. The cinema was a place where people got dressed up, went on dates, and fell in love. But today, everything has changed. There is a multiplex in every mall and the young generation watch movies on their phone. But at The Scala...
断了气儿 2019-10-10
简单记录 最后一家戏院 泰国的迷影在七八十年代 幸福的过去 电影收留孤独的人 电影院也是。
🌿Soya🌿 2022-04-24
熊仔俠 2019-09-24